Our Beliefs

Our Beliefs

In all of our words and actions individually and as a body of believers, we choose by the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit to bring glory to God our Father, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, and the Holy Spirit our Indwelling Comforter.

We confess that Jesus Christ is the Head and Lord of Luke 4:18 Fellowship. All that we do, we do under His Headship and Lordship. Our passion is to please Him by being His obedient followers.

We confess that Jesus Christ is our life; in Him we live and move and have our being. Without Christ we are nothing; in Christ we are complete. Without Christ we can do nothing; through Christ we can do all things.

We confess that through Christ we have received the gift of the Holy Spirit. Individually and as a church we choose to be filled daily with the Holy Spirit’s mighty work and power.

We choose to love God with all our heart and to love each other with the same love that Christ loves us. We choose to be of one heart, one mind, and one Spirit. We choose to walk in love and unity so the world will know Christ is in us.

We choose to live holy lives, to be in the world but not of the world, for our daily lifestyle to honor Jesus Christ; to be Christ-like in every way.

We choose to use our spiritual gifts, to take our place in the body of Christ as servants, and to cooperate with Christ in building His church.

We choose to be faithful in our service, attendance, and giving so that together we may impact our community and world. We affirm our commitment to share Jesus Christ by word and deed in Mobile, Alabama and around the world.

We choose to be a people of prayer crying out to God for His glory, His will, and His kingdom in the earth. We will pray for and encourage each person attending Luke 4:18. We choose to pray for the lost, the body of Christ worldwide and for our sister churches along the Gulf Coast. We will pray for revival personally and worldwide. We will cry out for our nation and its leaders.

We will reach out to the poor and needy in all areas of life following the example of our Savior.

We will support missions around the world by giving and going. We will support local ministries reaching out to those needing healing and deliverance. We will seek to be personally involved in these caring ministries.

We seek to be a Kingdom Church reaching out to Christians in all denominations. We seek to cooperate with other churches that are true to Scripture and the Lordship of Christ.

We seek to be a New Testament Church in every way as seen in the book of Acts.

We confess that Scripture is our final authority for what we believe and practice. We choose to be governed by God, bound to good tradition but not bound by the tradition of men.

We acknowledge that what we are confessing today is impossible apart from daily surrender to Jesus our Lord, living in the fullness and power of the Holy Spirit.

We will not rob God of His Glory by exalting man; we will give all glory and honor and praise to Him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb forever and ever.

We anticipate with great hope the glorious appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ to call His Bride, the church, home to be with Him forever in glory.



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