Our goal and God’s desire is that the children under our care are loved, nurtured, and prepared for anything that may come their way in life. Our ministry is designed to present the Word of God to our children in an exciting and relevant way, from Bible stories and puppet shows for our preschoolers, to fun worship and drama for our school aged kids. We are blessed with leadership and volunteers who love the Lord and love children, and want nothing more than to pour their lives into families and see them become true disciples of Christ. The word of God is alive and well in the hearts and minds of our children, and is being lived out every day!
The mission of our children's ministry is:
1) To nurture and train our children in God’s Word in order for them to understand His love and purpose for their lives; and
2) To support parents as they raise their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord.
We pray that the children come to know the Lord at an early age and learn to walk and talk with him daily. We pray that they will boldly proclaim their Lord Jesus Christ and be a light in a dark world.
Children’s Ministry Meeting Times
418 KIDS Meeting Times
Sundays at 9:00 AM: Kid Connection (K-5th grade)
Sundays at 10:30 AM: Kids’ Worship (PreK-3rd grade)
Wednesdays at 6:00PM TeamKID (PreK-5th grade)
Nursery Care for infants – 2 years is available at all times.
Upcoming Events
The Children's Center
The Children's Ministry Center is located inside the main building and to the north of our worship center.
Each of our Children's Ministry rooms are particularly designed and created to maximize learning opportunities and personalized growth and development in Christ.
Our elementary kids only need to bring their Bible. If they do not have one, please let us know! We’d love to provide one for them. All toys and electronics should be left at home.
For Sunday Life Groups and Worship, children can be checked in beginning at 8:45 AM. On Wednesday nights, check in begins at 5:30 PM.
For social media updates, be sure to "like" and "follow" Luke 4:18 Kids & Family Facebook page.